Sunday, May 24, 2009

My littlest man

This is my shortie, my lil love munchkin, the one who keeps me walking that tightrope I like to call sanity.

This is lil man doing his very best Elvis impersonation (notice the lip)...

And here he is his with his big brother Ryan, showing off their creative new twist on "hide and go seek"...
For those of you who may be somewhat visually challenged, yes those are Ryan's eyes that he's covering with his butt.

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And this is the look when it's time for mom to stop flashing that camera in my face. He doesn't talk much, but this is definitely his "shows over" face.

That's my cue to say goodnight.


  1. Hows the gtube site looking? The surgeons didn't have any bright ideas for me. They just said change the gauze when its wet so it doesn't get irritated. Wow, something we've never thought of before, right?

  2. YAHOO!!

    Look at YOU!!

    I have to check that email more regularly...I would have been lurking here long before now.

    Oh, I'm just giddy with anticipation of the daily visits to come...
